Course Overview

I welcome you to this new adventure of learning Front End Web Development.

Over the next 10 weeks, we will embark on an adventure of understanding JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. We will learn industry-standard frameworks for building Front End systems.

This course is mostly to you, Python developer that has knowledge of programming logic.

We will discover the main use cases, best practices, and techniques that will allow us to create beautiful, fast, and functional UIs (User Interfaces) for any web application.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Use a modern JS framework to build and deploy a complex web application
  • Use advanced features of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build and debug features
  • Measure, monitor, and take steps to improve the performance of a web application
  • Plan, communicate, and work together on web application code


  • Emmanuel Orozco


In this course, we are using the following tools:

  • GitHub is a website that hosts code. We'll use it as a place to keep our project and assignment code.
  • GitHub Classroom is a tool for assigning projects on GitHub.
  • VSCode is your code editor. It's where you'll write code to solve programming assignments.
  • Node/npm installed in your computer.